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RG59 Coaxial cable with power 300Metres

Original price was: KSh 9,000.00.Current price is: KSh 8,500.00.

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RG59 Coaxial cable with power 300Metres True-Tech

The RG59 Coaxial cable with power 300Metres is highly suitable for broadcast and CCTV installation.

  • This High quality RG type 75 Ohm coaxial cable is specifically suited for broadcasting CCTV Camera signal.
  • In addition it runs parallel copper clad that consists of 2 cores of 0.50mm, hence suitable for low voltage power or signal.
  • The RG-59 Coax cable is the professional’s choice for CCTV systems.
  • As it provides both video and power by combining the RG-59 Coax with the 18/2 power, for a single cable pull.
  • Equally important it also saves time and money as it allows installers to run both the video and power cable to security cameras using a single cable.
  • It is also suitable for both basic analogue TV antenna feeds and AHD CCTV systems.
  • Its convenient as it has both power and video cable wrapped in a single jacket.
  • RG59, has been around the market for quite a long time, with the nick name of “Siamese coaxial cable”, thus consists of a RG59 cable merged together with a 2C power cable.
  • This cable is ideal for use in both outdoor and indoor environment.
  • It has long wave forms of megahertz interference, thus providing lower frequency signals anything under about 50 MHz.
  • This also makes it a good choice for a closed circuit television (CCTV) video surveillance system.
  • The cable is available in a variety of lengths and also quality. The available lengths are 100 m, 200m and 305m respectively.



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